Since 2018, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering has partnered with Chemistry of Materials to produce an annual Virtual Issue on Methods and Protocols in Materials Science. Papers that can help others reproduce published results by providing details of methods and lab techniques employed to attain those results are highly valued since they can help propel […]

Since 2018, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering has partnered with Chemistry of Materials to produce an annual Virtual Issue on Methods and Protocols in Materials Science. Papers that can help others reproduce published results by providing details of methods and lab techniques employed to attain those results are highly valued since they can help propel research forward. Towards this goal, the 2018 and 2019 Virtual Issues focused on publishing methods and protocols papers that described new and/or improvised approaches to studying and solving important challenges in materials science.

Video is an important tool for describing and demonstrating how to accurately carry out lab methods and protocols. Many of the published papers in the 2018 and 2019 Virtual Issues included supplemental videos that displayed in detail the techniques used in these reported methods/protocols.

Watch these featured videos and read the papers highlighted below.

Simple and Convenient Method for the Isolation, Culture, and Re-collection of Cancer Cells from Blood by Using Glass-Bead Filters
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2019, 5, 2, 438–452

Metabolic Glycoengineering of Cell-Derived Matrices and Cell Surfaces: A Combination of Key Principles and Step-by-Step Procedures
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2019, 5, 1, 215–233
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b00865

3D Printing of Neural Tissues Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using a Fibrin-Based Bioink
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2019, 5, 1, 234–243
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b01235

Isolation and Identification of Proteins Secreted by Cells Cultured within Synthetic Hydrogel-Based Matrices
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2018, 4, 3, 836–845
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00647

Methods To Assess Shear-Thinning Hydrogels for Application As Injectable Biomaterials
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 3, 12, 3146–3160
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00734

Tutorials for Electrophysiological Recordings in Neuronal Tissue Engineering
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 3, 10, 2235–2246
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00318

Predicting Silk Fiber Mechanical Properties through Multiscale Simulation and Protein Design
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 3, 8, 1542–1556
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00292

Surface Analysis of Nanocomplexes by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2017, 3, 6, 882–889
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00040

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