Accounts of Chemical Research is a popular venue for concise reports on focused topics in which the authors are world experts. It is perfect for readers wanting to be broadly educated about current research frontiers in chemistry and related sciences. One of the journal’s most popular features is its Special Issues. Recently, the journal published […]

Recently, the journal published the “Transformative Inorganic Nanocrystals,” Special Issue which is, “meant to be just the beginning of a comprehensive understanding of these materials,” according to the guest editors. The issue covers aspects including anion and cation exchange reactions, and how they can be controlled to produce a wide variety of multicomponent nanocrystals. It also examines ultrasmall clusters and describes how transformations taking place in metal halide nanocrystals can be sometimes unified under a scheme of cation framework preservation, among other pertinent and related topics.
We met with Professor Liberato Manna, one of the guest editors, via Zoom to discuss nanocrystals, what makes them transformative, and why you should check out the issue. We also asked him about current projects in his lab. Watch the interview below:
Accounts of Chemical Research Journal Club
Join us on Tuesday, July 27 at 10:00 AM ET for the Accounts of Chemical Research Journal Club. This month we will be presenting and discussing the Transformative Inorganic Nanocrystals Special Issue. Speakers include Professor Manna as well as authors Raymond Schaak, Sara Bals, and Raffaella Buonsanti. The event is hosted by Associate Editor Jinwoo Cheon. Join us!
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