Chemical Reviews is pleased to announce the return of the “Your Favorite Review” campaign, celebrating the hundreds of Reviews published across 24 issues in 2021, along with their authors and readers. There will be two rounds of voting. In the first round, we will have 24 polls matching the 24 issues we published in 2021. […]

There will be two rounds of voting. In the first round, we will have 24 polls matching the 24 issues we published in 2021. You will be able to vote for your favorite review from each of the 24 issues. Following the first round, we will take the winning review from each poll (24 in total) and put them into the final poll, which will help us determine the one review you, our readers, voted as your collective favorite.
Here’s how the campaign works:
Round One
Voting in the first round ended on February 27.
Round Two
Voting in the Finals round ended on March 7, 2022.
Winner & Top 10
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Your Favorite Review campaign. In total, we received over 15,000 votes between the two rounds, wow! On behalf of all of our 2021 authors, your support is appreciated!
Congratulations to Johanna Vondran, Marc R. L. Furst, Graham R. Eastham, Thomas Seidensticker, and David J. Cole-Hamilton for winning the 2022 Your Favorite Review with:
The reviews that finished in the Top 10:
Borates: A Rich Source for Optical Materials
Congratulations Miriding Mutailipu, Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier, and Shilie Pan
Advanced Functional Luminescent Metallomesogens: The Key Role of the Metal Center
Congratulations Cristián Cuerva, Mercedes Cano, and Carlos Lodeiro
Biomedicine Meets Fenton Chemistry
Congratulations Zhongmin Tang, Peiran Zhao, Han Wang, Yanyan Liu, and Wenbo Bu
Main Avenues in Gold Coordination Chemistry
Congratulations Raquel P. Herrera and M. Concepción Gimeno
Mercury Chalcogenide Quantum Dots: Material Perspective for Device IntegrationCongratulations Charlie Gréboval, Audrey Chu, Nicolas Goubet, Clément Livache, Sandrine Ithurria, and Emmanuel Lhuillier
Recent Advances in Enantioselective Pd-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution: From Design to Applications
Congratulations Oscar Pàmies, Jèssica Margalef, Santiago Cañellas, Jinju James, Eric Judge, Patrick J. Guiry, Christina Moberg, Jan-E. Bäckvall, Andreas Pfaltz, Miquel A. Pericàs, and Montserrat Diéguez
Machine Learning for Electronically Excited States of Molecules
Congratulations Julia Westermayr and Philipp Marquetand
Metal-Catalyzed Carbon – Carbon Bond Cleavage of Unstrained Alcohols
Congratulations Marius D. R. Lutz and Bill Morandi
Carbonyl–Olefin Metathesis
Congratulations Haley Albright, Ashlee J. Davis, Jessica L. Gomez-Lopez, Hannah L. Vonesh, Phong K. Quach, Tristan H. Lambert, and Corinna S. Schindler
Thank you once again to all of the amazing authors who published in Chemical Reviews in 2021.
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