Analytical Chemistry and the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society are seeking nominations for the 2017 Young Innovator Award. This award honors the contributions of an individual who has demonstrated exceptional technical advancement and innovation in the field of micro- or nanofluidics in his or her early career. The award will be presented at μTAS (MicroTAS) 2017 […]

Analytical Chemistry and the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society are seeking nominations for the 2017 Young Innovator Award. This award honors the contributions of an individual who has demonstrated exceptional technical advancement and innovation in the field of micro- or nanofluidics in his or her early career. The award will be presented at μTAS (MicroTAS) 2017 in Savannah, Georgia, Oct. 22-26, 2017. The recipient of this year’s award will receive an award plaque, an honorarium of US$2,500, and up to US$1,500 in travel and accommodations funding to attend μTAS 2017.
Let Johnathan V. Sweedler, EIC of Analytical Chemistry, Tell You More About the Award:
Nominees should be able to attend the award ceremony in person and must have received their doctorate in the past 15 years. If you know someone who deserves this award award, submit your nomination by April 21, 2017. Self-nominations are also welcome!