This Virtual Special Issue seeks contributions that will advance discovery of previously unknown design principles in mammalian cell biology and validate our current understanding of this rapidly growing topic area. Submit your manuscript by February 29, 2024.

An image of a blue and purple background.

Much of the foundation of synthetic biology has been built using single celled organisms, i.e., bacteria and yeast. However, mammalian synthetic biology has become an increasingly important part of the field over time, helping us push the boundaries of our basic understanding of fundamental biomolecular, cellular, and tissue level mechanisms in mammals and leading the way to new therapeutic applications.

A new Virtual Special Issue from ACS Synthetic Biology will focus on this rapidly growing topic, including contributions on the development and application of engineered therapeutic systems and the advancement of foundational knowledge. The resulting work serves both to validate our current scientific understanding and to discover previously unknown design principles in mammalian cell biology.

Relevant topics include:

  • Metabolic states of engineered mammalian cells
  • Epigenetic engineering: customized chromatin proteins and scaffold RNAs
  • Mammalian-specific engineering of gene regulation
  • Immune cell signaling reporter systems
  • Myeloid receptor engineering
  • Engineering cell fate and cell programming
  • Tools and platforms for mammalian genetic construct engineering

Organizing Editors

This Virtual Special Issue will be managed by:

Karmella Haynes, Associate Editor, ACS Synthetic Biology
Emory University

Francesca Ceroni, Guest Editor
Imperial College London

Elizabeth Wayne, Guest Editor
Carnegie Mellon University

Author Instructions

To submit your manuscript, please visit the ACS Synthetic Biology website. Please follow the normal procedures for manuscript submission, and when in the ACS Paragon Plus submission site, select the special issue of “Mammalian Cell Synthetic Biology.” All manuscripts will undergo the conventional peer review process. For additional submission instructions, please see the ACS Synthetic Biology Author Guidelines.

The deadline for submissions is February 29, 2024.

Open Access

There are diverse open-access options for publications in American Chemical Society journals. Please visit our Open Science Resource Center for more information.

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