Learn more about each of the winners, gain insight into what inspires their research, and view the winning posters.

The Scientific Organizing Committee of the ACS Publications Symposium: Biological and Medicinal Chemistry accepted 90 abstracts, which were presented during the symposium in Bonn, Germany from March 6-8, 2023.
Five poster winners and one fan favorite were selected based on their exceptional research. We caught up with each of the winners to learn about what inspires their work, their mentors, and important unsolved issues in their respective fields.
Get to know each of the winners and view their posters below.
Zaida L. Almeida, Winner

Removal of aberrant aggregates in amyloid diseases: from in silico analysis to in vitro biological activity
Smith B. Babiaka, Winner

Molecular Networking of Novel Antimicrobial Leads from Euspongia sp. and Spongia sp. Marine Sponges
Alica Fischle, Winner

Biologically active cyclic tetrapeptides derived from genetically modified fungi Fusarium fujikuroi
Dr. Anna Junker, Winner

Development of PET Tracers for the Imaging of CD73 Expression in Breast and Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Antoine L. D. Wallabregue, Winner

Development of bioreductive fluorescent probes to image different levels of hypoxia in human and plant cells
Carolin S. Pikullik, Fan Favorite

Protein kinase inhibitor ceritinib blocks ectonucleotidase CD39 – a promising target for cancer immunotherapy
View all of the winners below: