Read exclusive interviews with the winners, Thomas Tørring and Benjamin Philmus, and learn more about their noteworthy, winning research.

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The Journal of Natural Products, in partnership with the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP), is honored to announce the 2023 winners of the Arthur E. Schwarting and Jack L. Beal Awards. This initiative was launched in 2001 by the Foundation Board of ASP to honor two distinguished former editors of the journal and recognize some of the best works published in the Journal of Natural Products.

Meet Thomas Tørring, Winner of the Arthur E. Schwarting Award

Thomas is an Associate Professor and Group Leader of Microbial Biosynthesis for the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering at Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. He is the recipient of the Arthur E. Schwarting Award, which is open to all papers published in the Journal of Natural Products within a given year.

Read his winning paper:

Meet Benjamin Philmus, Winner of the Jack L. Beal Award

Benjamin is an Associate Professor for the Department of Pharmeceutical Sciences at Oregon State University. The Jack L. Beal Award is given to early-career investigators within 12 years of receiving their Ph.D. or within 10 years of gaining their first professional appointment (I.e.: Assistant Professor or an equivalent position in industry or government).

Read his winning paper:

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