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浙江大学和美国化学会出版部于近日宣布合作出版新刊 Chem & Bio Engineering(《化学工程与生物工程》)

作为一本国际化、高定位的开放获取期刊,Chem & Bio Engineering 旨在发表化学工程和生物工程领域的前沿科学。该期刊聚焦于工业催化、分离工程、合成与工艺过程智能优化、生物医学材料、合成生物学、储能材料、环境管理等重要领域的机遇与挑战,为发展高效可持续的方案提供高水平的国际学术交流平台。期刊将涵盖多种类型文章,包括 Research Article,Letter,Review,Perspective,Viewpoint,Commentary 和 Editorial 。

Chem & Bio Engineering 的创刊主编将由浙江大学任其龙院士担任。任其龙院士表示,绿色高效地创造并制造化学品和材料是全人类共同的梦想。化学工程和生物工程既遵循相似的规律,又各有所长,相得益彰,是我们迈向智造强国的重要依仗。Chem & Bio Engineering 应运而生,立足前沿,将成为两个领域学者最佳的交流平台和优秀研究成果分享的首选期刊。

浙江大学校长杜江峰院士表示,我们正处在化学生物与工程技术相互融合的新时代,正如上个世纪物理学和工程学的结合对人类社会所产生的颠覆性影响,化学生物与工程技术的结合将成为下一个创造奇迹的领域。近年来,围绕“化学生物工程”方向的前沿研究成果越来越多,为建立更高效、更清洁和更可持续的世界提供了诸多解决方案。我们很高兴与美国化学会共同出版Chem & Bio Engineering,为来自不同学科的科学家和工程师提供新的交流平台,在工业催化、分离工程、合成与工艺过程智能优化、生物医学材料、合成生物学、储能材料、可持续工程等领域展示更多激动人心的研究工作,以促进我们对这些研究领域的认识与理解,推动化学工程和生物工程的创新发展以及全球科技事业的开放繁荣。杜江峰院士希望通过美国化学会卓越的出版平台,携手全球化学生物工程领域的同仁,将Chem & Bio Engineering打造为化学生物与工程技术前沿交叉领域的旗舰期刊,并预祝双方合作顺利。

美国化学会出版部总裁James Milne博士表示,我们很高兴与浙江大学合作,在化学工程和生物工程领域创建一本卓越的期刊。我们期待和浙江大学紧密合作,确保 Chem & Bio Engineering 的成功运行。我们也坚信这本期刊将为ACS高品质的科学出版锦上添花。

Chem & Bio Engineering 将于今年8月开始接受投稿。首年接受的文章将免收出版费(APC)。


Chem & Bio Engineering 的发表范围包括但不限于:

  • Advanced Catalysis Engineering
  • Advanced Separation
  • Advanced Synthesis and Scalable Processes
  • Biomedical Engineering and Synthetic Biology
  • Materials Engineering
  • Sustainable Engineering


Headshot of Qilong Ren
Prof. Qilong Ren, Ph.D.

Professor Ren earned his B.Sc. degree and Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Zhejiang University. He has published more than 240 peer-reviewed papers, been awarded over 130 patents. He has presided over the National Key R&D projects and the National Natural Science Foundation key projects. His efforts are concentrated on the development of molecular-recognition separation engineering, which has established a platform for the separation of bio-based feedstocks with highly complex components and many similar molecules.


The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS Publications) is a leader in providing access to chemistry-related information and research through over 80 peer-reviewed journals, as well as digital books, reference materials, and educational tools. It thus provides its members and the worldwide scientific community with a comprehensive collection of high-quality information products and services for the practice and advancement of the chemical sciences.

Zhejiang University (ZJU), established in 1897, stands as one the most prestigious and historic universities in China. The university offers a diverse range of disciplines, with 21 of them rated as “Double First Class”. These include fields such as chemistry, materials science and engineering, environmental science and engineering, and pharmaceutical science. ZJU is home to several state key laboratories including the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization and the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering. ZJU takes pride in its exceptional alumni, which include one Nobel laureate, five recipients of China's highest science and technology award, and over 220 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. According to U.S. News & World Report 2022, ZJU is ranked the top 100 of the Best Global University worldwide.

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