This Special Issue serves as a dedicated platform for researchers and engineers to explore and disseminate the transformative strides made in leveraging electrochemical technologies for building a more sustainable future. Submit your manuscript by September 30, 2025.

A group of electronic devices with lightning coming out of them.

Electrochemical processes have witnessed unprecedented growth and diverse applications in recent years, offering an array of solutions to address the intricate challenges associated with sustainability. This Special Issue aims to showcase the latest advancements and breakthroughs in the realm of electrochemical technologies that hold the promise of mitigating environmental impacts and fostering a sustainable paradigm.

We invite contributions of Articles, Letters, Reviews or Perspectives on all topics related to Electrochemical Engineering for Sustainability, including (but not limited to):

  • Electrochemical reaction Engineering (e.g. electro-convert small moleculars (H2O, CO2, N2, O2, H2, NH3, CH4, etc.) to fuels/chemicals, electrochemical coupling reactions, electrochemical organic synthesis)
  • Electrochemical Cells and Reactors
  • Electrochemical Energy Storage and Energy Systems (e.g. batteries, fuel cells)
  • Electrochemical Processes for Recycling and Resource Recovery
  • Electrode Materials, Structures and Configurations
  • Kinetics Analysis of Electrochemical Reactions
  • Electrochemical Reaction Mechanisms

Organizing Editors

Prof. Haihui Wang, Guest Editor
Tsinghua University

Prof. Yushan Yan, Guest Editor
University of Delaware

Submission Information

Submissions are welcome through September 30, 2025. All articles will be peer reviewed prior to acceptance to ensure they fit the scope of the Virtual Special Issue and meet the high scientific publishing standards of Chem & Bio Engineering. Peer review will be handled by the Editors of the journal.

If accepted, publications will go online as soon as possible and be published in the next available issue. Publications on this topic will be gathered into a Virtual Collection and widely promoted as significant contributions to this research area.

Open Access

Chem & Bio Engineering is a fully open access journal; thus, your publication will be available to anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time. APCs for manuscripts submitted by December 31, 2026 are covered by the journal if they are accepted after peer review.

Visit our Open Science Resource Center to learn more about our various open access options available to researchers.

How to Submit

  • Log in to the ACS Publishing Center.
  • Select the “Journals” tab.
  • Search for Chem & Bio Engineering.
  • Click "Submit."
  • Select your manuscript type, and, under "Special Issue Selection," choose "Electrochemical Engineering for Sustainability."

Please see our Author Guidelines for more information on submission requirements.

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