This Virtual Special Issue aims to showcase a collection of papers highlighting some of the excellent research being conducted under extreme conditions across chemical engineering, applied chemistry, and biomolecular/biochemical engineering. Submit your manuscript by July 15, 2023.
![image collage of beakers in a lab next to a gauge/meter depicting a low to extreme range](/_next/image?
Engineers and scientists push the boundaries for chemical processes further and further beyond ambient conditions to understand natural systems as well as engineer new systems. A contemporary overview of the broad research landscape on aspects of chemical engineering under extreme conditions will enable readers to make connections with related work that would have otherwise gone unmade.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research seeks submissions to an upcoming Virtual Special Issue, Chemical Engineering Under Extreme Conditions. This Virtual Special Issue aims to showcase a collection of papers highlighting some of the excellent research being conducted under extreme conditions across the chemical engineering, applied chemistry, and biomolecular/biochemical engineering fields. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- High/low temperatures
- High /low pressures
- High /low pH
- High electromagnetic fields
- High radiation
- High /low gravity
- Other conditions considered quite distant from ambient.
Do you have a research report to include? Submit your manuscript by July 15, 2023.
Phillip E. Savage, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Guest Editors
Jason Bara, University of Alabama, USA
Aaron Thornton, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Submission Instructions
Manuscripts must adhere to the guidelines available on the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Information for Authors page and must be submitted electronically through ACS Paragon Plus. When submitting, please specify a manuscript type and then select the Chemical Engineering Under Extreme Conditions Virtual Special Issue (VSI). Additionally, please indicate in your cover letter that that your paper is intended for this Virtual Special Issue. Accepted paper types for this Virtual Special Issue will include original research papers, short communications, or review articles; the editors welcome discussion on whether an alternative paper type might be appropriate. Manuscripts submitted for consideration for this Virtual Special Issue will undergo the same rigorous peer review process expected from ACS journals.
Submissions are due by July 15, 2023, with anticipated publication of the Virtual Special Issue in December 2023. Please note that papers will become available individually online as soon as they are accepted.
For more information on the journal and manuscript submission, visit the journal webpage. If you have questions about the scope and/or about publishing in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, please contact the editorial office via
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