Happy National Chemistry Week from the American Chemical Society! Each year, ACS leads chemistry professionals and enthusiasts around the world in celebrating National Chemistry Week during the fourth week of October. The week was chosen to coincide with Mole Day, October 23rd, which is written as 10/23 in American notation, as a nod to Avogadro’s […]

Happy National Chemistry Week from the American Chemical Society! Each year, ACS leads chemistry professionals and enthusiasts around the world in celebrating National Chemistry Week during the fourth week of October. The week was chosen to coincide with Mole Day, October 23rd, which is written as 10/23 in American notation, as a nod to Avogadro’s number, 6.022×1023.
The annual celebration comes with a unique theme that shapes the resources and events produced by the ACS. This year’s theme is “Marvelous Metals!” This theme helps drive public conversations around chemistry and serves as a tool for ACS local sections to organize and reach out to their communities.
Get National Chemistry Week Resources from the American Chemical Society:
- A live online broadcast on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd covering how chemists are developing new technologies using metals at the intersection of organic and inorganic chemistry
- An illustrated poem contest for K-12 students
- Collected “Meg A. Mole, Future Chemist” profiles of chemists in a variety of disciplines
- A special issue of Celebrating Chemistry for children in Grades 4-6, available in both English and Spanish
- ChemMatters, a magazine that helps high school students find connections between chemistry and the world around them
- Safety guidelines for chemistry educators
- Metals chemistry resources from the Journal of Chemical Education
- A tool for finding local National Chemistry Week events near you
- Assets for holding your own local National Chemistry Week event
- Tips for getting your local community involved in National Chemistry Week 2019
- Design resources to use in your outreach
- C&EN’s profile of the history of National Chemistry Week