Chemistry education at all levels is rapidly evolving and adapting. ACS eBooks invites you to explore the latest titles to support you in your classroom. These recently-published resources provide a variety of novel educational materials and classroom activities to energize your chemistry classes, as well as innovative practices to engage students or promote the study […]
Chemistry education at all levels is rapidly evolving and adapting. ACS eBooks invites you to explore the latest titles to support you in your classroom. These recently-published resources provide a variety of novel educational materials and classroom activities to energize your chemistry classes, as well as innovative practices to engage students or promote the study of chemistry.
Accessibility in the Laboratory
How can the risks of hazardous materials and processes in laboratories be mitigated for those with disabilities? This work details the protections for persons with disabilities, including the roles, responsibilities, and frequent limitations of institutions and their policies. Best practices for supporting individuals with visual impairments, hearing loss, mobility disabilities, and non-obvious disabilities to work in the laboratory are shared throughout.
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Best Practices for Supporting and Expanding Undergraduate Research in Chemistry
An impactful resource for modern chemical educators and administrators, this volume explores approaches that infuse undergraduate research into all levels of the curriculum. Frameworks and strategies are detailed for supporting and assessing undergraduate research programs, broadening participation, facilitating partnerships, and effectively mentoring undergraduate researchers. These practical models help readers implement best practices at their own institutions.
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Communicating Chemistry Through Social Media
As social media becomes more widely used throughout society, chemistry communication, including teaching, research, and outreach must join in and embrace new opportunities provided by the online world. This book is a timely discussion of teaching, learning, research, and professional and personal development. Written for and by chemists, this resource is also applicable to the wider STEM community of researchers, educators, scientific communicators as they plan their own communication strategies.
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Engaging Students in Physical Chemistry
Student engagement is an important topic in education, and this work specifically discusses how to engage students in physical chemistry. This volume covers:
This volume covers:
- New approaches to the physical chemistry laboratory
- Individual lab activities
- The structure of the physical chemistry curriculum and connections between topics
- New or improved classroom activities and course readings
- Computation in physical chemistry instruction
- Research on learning in physical chemistry classrooms
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International Perspectives on Chemistry Education Research and Practice
As we move toward a more global society, international perspectives on current research and practices in chemical education become more important. By focusing on current trends in chemical education and best practices for instruction, assessment, and laboratory experiences, this book enables readers to adopt new pedagogical and research ideas. Chemistry professors and those interested in international education trends will find this book useful.
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