This Special Issue aims to help faculty readers of the Journal of Chemical Education improve the teaching and learning of polymer concepts at their institutions.

Polymer Concepts Across the Curriculum

The Journal of Chemical Education is proud to announce a new special issue titled “Polymer Concepts across the Curriculum.” Polymers are one of chemistry’s biggest contributions to everyday human experiences in the 21st century. Most chemistry graduates work with polymers at some time during their careers. The aim of all contributions to this special issue is to help faculty readers of the Journal of Chemical Education improve the teaching and learning of polymer concepts at their institutions.

This special issue of the journal is a collection of papers describing how polymers are being taught in general, foundational, and advanced chemistry courses and also in high schools, workshops, and demonstrations for the public. The papers are sources of ideas of how instructors can incorporate polymer chemistry into their own courses.

This special issue will stimulate readers with ideas that they can adapt for their own purposes, which could be foundational courses, dedicated polymer chemistry courses, or outreach.

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