Each month ACS Webinars provides free live webinars for chemists. These free webinars cover subjects as diverse as drug development, food chemistry, and professional development for chemists. Learn about the recent advances being made in the fight against skin cancer and the hidden stories in the air we breathe in our free weekly webinar series […]

Each month ACS Webinars provides free live webinars for chemists. These free webinars cover subjects as diverse as drug development, food chemistry, and professional development for chemists. Learn about the recent advances being made in the fight against skin cancer and the hidden stories in the air we breathe in our free weekly webinar series every Thursday at 2 pm (ET). Here’s what’s coming up for the month of August. Register today!
Thursday, August 3rd 2-3 pm (ET)
As summer comes, so are skin cancer dangers. Every year, three million Americans are detected with skin cancer. Join us as Dan Sutherlin presents his discovery of vismodegib, the first drug to be approved by the FDA for the treatment of advanced basal cell carcinoma (BCC). This breakthrough drug gave patients with BCC treatment where there were few options before. Come and discuss as we talk about your health, the signs and symptoms of skin cancer and its prevention method.
Caesar’s Last Breath and the Fascinating Science and History of the Air We Breathe
Thursday, August 10th 2 – 3 p.m. (ET)
With every breath you take, New York Times bestselling author, Sam Kean will be watching and tracing the aura that surrounds you- air. Sam Kean strikes again to chronicle his latest book, Caesar’s Last Breath, tracing the origins and ingredients of our atmosphere. Join us for a lively, witty and extraordinary discussion as Keane illuminates us with science stories that swirl around the invisible substance that surrounds everything we do: air.