Explore a selection of recently published chemistry articles that were among the most read in August 2023 across all ACS Publications journals.

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There are many ways to measure an article’s success after it is published. One helpful method of evaluating a scientific publication’s reach and influence is by looking at how many times it has been read. Below, we have gathered a selection of recently published chemistry articles that were among the most read in August 2023 across all ACS Publications journals.*

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ACS Sensors Journal Cover

Rapid Direct Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Aerosols in Exhaled Breath at the Point of Care

Dishit P. Ghumra, Nishit Shetty, Kevin R. McBrearty, Joseph V. Puthussery, Benjamin J. Sumlin, Woodrow D. Gardiner, Brookelyn M. Doherty, Jordan P. Magrecki, David L. Brody, Thomas J. Esparza, Jane A. O’Halloran, Rachel M. Presti, Traci L. Bricker, Adrianus C. M. Boon, Carla M. Yuede*, John R. Cirrito*, and Rajan K. Chakrabarty*
DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.3c00512
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Cover

Synthetic Approaches to the New Drugs Approved During 2021

Emma L. McInturff, Scott P. France, Carolyn A. Leverett, Andrew C. Flick, Erick A. Lindsey, Simon Berritt, Daniel W. Carney, Jacob C. DeForest, Hong X. Ding, Sarah J. Fink, Tony S. Gibson, Kaitlyn Gray, Aran K. Hubbell, Amber M. Johnson, Yiyang Liu, Subham Mahapatra, Indrawan J. McAlpine, Rebecca B. Watson, and Christopher J. O’Donnell*
: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00501

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