This ACS Omega Call for Papers aims to provide a platform for the scientific community to present their high-quality research in CO2 geostorage. Submit your manuscript by December 10, 2023.

Studies have shown that CO2 can be safely stored underground, such as in deep, porous rock formations, to solve issues related to carbon emissions. Formation rocks have the capacity to store carbon emissions, and this capacity depends on the rock type, depth, and fluids contained in the rock. CO2 geostorage has different trapping mechanisms with numerous factors influencing trapping potential, including geochemical and geomechanical effects and the associated seal integrity.
This ACS Omega Virtual Special Issue aims to provide a platform for the scientific community to present their high-quality research in CO2 geostorage.
We invite Articles, Mini-Reviews, Reviews, or Perspectives on all topics relating to CO2 geostorage, including (but not limited to):
- CO2 trapping mechanisms
- CO2 injectivity
- Geomechanics and geochemistry for CO2 storage
- Storage capacity estimation
- Wellbore integrity for CO2 injection wells
- Containment security and monitoring tools
This Virtual Special Issue will be managed by:
Prof. Mohamed Mahmoud, Associate Editor, ACS Omega
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Muhammad Arif, Guest Editor
Khalifa University, UAE
Dr. Yihuai Zhang, Guest Editor
University of Glasgow, UK
Submission Instructions
Manuscripts must adhere to ACS Omega’s submission guidelines available on the Information for Authors page.
The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the CO2 Geostorage Virtual Special Issue is December 10, 2023. Manuscripts will be screened for suitability and undergo rigorous peer review.