This week ACS Editors’ Choice is offering a deep dive into some of the most compelling research to appear in Journal of Proteome Research in the past few months, in honor of the journal receiving a new Editor-in-Chief, Professor John R. Yates, III, Ph.D., of The Scripps Research Institute. Enjoy a trove of open-access research on different aspects […]

This week ACS Editors’ Choice is offering a deep dive into some of the most compelling research to appear in Journal of Proteome Research in the past few months, in honor of the journal receiving a new Editor-in-Chief, Professor John R. Yates, III, Ph.D., of The Scripps Research Institute. Enjoy a trove of open-access research on different aspects of mass-spectrometry-based proteomic analysis.
moCluster: Identifying Joint Patterns Across Multiple Omics Data Sets

Mining Large Scale Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data for Protein Modifications Using Spectral Libraries

Pladipus Enables Universal Distributed Computing in Proteomics Bioinformatics

Reproducibility of Differential Proteomic Technologies in CPTAC Fractionated Xenografts

Testing and Validation of Computational Methods for Mass Spectrometry

From Correlation to Causality: Statistical Approaches to Learning Regulatory Relationships in Large-Scale Biomolecular Investigations

Human Proteomic Variation Revealed by Combining RNA-Seq Proteogenomics and Global Post-Translational Modification (G-PTM) Search Strategy

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