JACS Au, ACS Publications’ newly launched open access journal, is now accepting manuscript submissions. Under the leadership of inaugural Editor-in-Chief Professor Christopher W. Jones, William R. McLain Chair and Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, the journal looks forward to publishing cutting-edge, high-impact research across the breadth of chemistry and related […]

The launch of JACS Au reflects a broad trend toward open access publishing throughout the chemistry community, a movement ACS Publications has long supported. JACS Au allows authors who want or need to publish their work in an entirely open access journal to do so without compromising on selectivity or impact. All papers published in this new journal will be freely available to readers under either a CC-BY-NC-ND or CC-BY license.
Professor Jones’ vision for the new journal includes four pillars:
- JACS Au Embraces Diversity: The journal will feature an international editorial team, reflecting its global reach, as well as the chemistry community’s diversity.
- JACS Au Represents the Entirety of the ACS Publications Portfolio: Researchers across all fields of chemistry will have a home for their best work in JACS Au. Like JACS, the new journal will have a rigorous submission process and publish only the most impactful work.
- JACS Au Anticipates the Future of Chemistry and Leads the Evolution of Chemical Publishing: The journal will launch accepting the traditional article types published by JACS, such as articles, communications, and perspectives. The journal will also publish work posted to preprint servers, such as ChemRxiv. After its launch, the journal will consider adopting other types of papers and other peer review models, keeping it at the forefront of scientific publishing.
- JACS Au is Both Inclusive and Elite: Everyone in the chemical sciences community seeking an open access publication option should submit their best work to JACS Au. In keeping with the JACS tradition, JACS Au will publish only the most impactful work.
“I’m extraordinarily excited to serve as the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of JACS Au. We will create a world-class open access journal commensurate with the JACS brand,” said Professor Jones.
Elite researchers in every area of the chemical sciences should submit their best work to JACS Au today.
Watch a Video About JACS Au‘s New Editor and Vision
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