Robin D. Rogers is the Editor-in-Chief of Crystal Growth & Design and the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Green Chemistry and Green Chemicals at McGil University. He is know for his research into ionic liquid systems. Recently Rogers offered ACS Axial readers a 360º look inside his lab, including a look at some of his […]

Robin D. Rogers is the Editor-in-Chief of Crystal Growth & Design and the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Green Chemistry and Green Chemicals at McGil University. He is know for his research into ionic liquid systems. Recently Rogers offered ACS Axial readers a 360º look inside his lab, including a look at some of his more specialized equipment.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO ACS AXIAL READERS! This is a 360º video, which means you can use your cursor or smartphone to navigate around inside the lab—and look at whatever you want—just as if you were there in person. This functionality is supported in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera browsers. If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, try watching the video through the YouTube app to get the full effect.

With this functionality in mind, please check out this In the Lab 360° video:

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