Stay up to date with a selection of recently published articles from ACS journals that were among the most read in June 2024.

Close-up image of metallic nanoparticles and bubbles in a fluid, reflecting blue light and creating a dynamic visual.

The impact of a scientific article can be assessed in many ways, and one key indicator of reach and influence is its readership. Here, we present a curated list of 10 top-read chemistry articles during June 2024, showcasing influential and trending research across ACS journals.*

We hope you find these articles insightful and valuable. If you want to learn more about publishing in our journals, click below to discover how your own research can further our commitment to being the “Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most Read.”

Most-Read ACS Journal Articles: June 2024

*These lists are not chosen by the journals’ editors and should not be taken as a “best of” collection, but as another perspective on what recently published research attracted the most attention in a particular month.

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