Recognizing early career researchers leading the fields in new directions through creative, new ideas consistent with Morgan's early contributions to environmental chemistry.

A green background with grass and a blue background.

The James J. Morgan Early Career Award is presented annually by Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), Environmental Science & Technology Letters (ES&T Letters), and the Environmental Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS). This award, named after the first Editor-in-Chief of ES&T, recognizes those early career researchers who are leading the fields of environmental science and technology in new directions through creative, new ideas consistent with Morgan’s early contributions in environmental chemistry.

This year, the award recognizes four young investigators who reside in and have a professional appointment in the Americas region of the world. We received a large number of nominations from the Americas, and the selection committee was impressed by the exceptionally high quality of the candidates, including their publications in ES&T and ES&T Letters.

We are excited to announce the 2024 James J. Morgan Environmental Science & Technology Early Career Award winners:

  • Markus Brinkmann, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Kimberly Parker,Washington University in St. Louis, United States
  • Hui Peng, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Collin Ward, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, United States

Congratulations to the 2024 award recipients! The winners will receive an award plaque, honorarium, and travel/accommodation funding to attend and present at an award symposium during ACS Spring 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 17-21, 2024. Learn more about them and their leading-edge research below.

Markus Brinkmann

Headshot of Markus Brinkmann
University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Kimberly Parker

Headshot of Kimberly Parker
Washington University in St. Louis, United States

Hui Peng

Headshot of Hui Peng
University of Toronto, Canada

Collin Ward

Headshot of Collin Ward
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, United States

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