This Special Issue seeks new research advances in low-carbon solutions for resource recovery and utilization from solid wastes and increased pollution control. Submit your manuscript by October 25, 2024.

A green background with recycling icons around it.

The effective and efficient management of solid wastes produced daily across many industries such as agriculture, chemical industries, pyrometallurgy and modern high-technology industries is of key strategic importance as the world moves towards full successful pollution control, a circular economy, and carbon-neutral processes. During the past few decades, environmental engineers and scientists have made significant progress in solid waste pollution control and resource utilization. Now, under global carbon neutral and circular economy pressure, progress to advance technologies enabling low-carbon approaches to resource utilization and pollution control of solid wastes are of critical importance.

This new Virtual Special Issue in ACS ES&T Engineering will present new research advances towards low-carbon approaches to solid waste resource utilization and pollution control.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Low-carbon pollution control of hazardous solid wastes
  • Waste to energy utilization for organic wastes
  • Low-carbon techniques for critical metal recovery from city mines
  • Green Eco-materialization of solid waste
  • Artificial Intelligence for risk identification and pollution control for solid waste
  • Low-carbon utilization of mineral wastes
The deadline for submissions is October 25, 2024.

Organizing Editors

Zhang Lin, Guest Editor
Central South University, China

Yifei Sun, Guest Editor
Hainan University, China

Helena I. Gomes
, Guest Editor
University of Nottingham, UK

Hong Chen, Guest Editor
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Jingyun Fang, Associate Editor ACS ES&T Engineering
Sun-Yat Sen University, China

Submission Information

For more information on manuscript submission requirements, please visit the journal’s Author Guidelines page.

Manuscripts for consideration in this Special Issue include all manuscript types (research articles, reviews, perspectives, and viewpoints). Papers accepted for publication in this Special Issue will be available ASAP (as soon as publishable) online as soon as they are accepted, then published with page numbers in the next suitable issue of the journal. After all articles have published, they will be compiled online on a dedicated landing page to form the Special Issue. Manuscripts submitted for consideration will undergo the full rigorous peer review process expected from ACS journals.

How to Submit

  • Log in to the ACS Paragon Plus submission site.
  • Choose ACS ES&T Engineering.
  • Select your manuscript type, and, under "Special Issue Selection," choose “Low-Carbon Resource Utilization and Pollution Control of Solid Waste."

For any general questions regarding submission to this Special Issue, please contact the journal's Managing Editor at

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There are diverse open access options for publications in American Chemical Society journals. Please visit our Open Science Resource Center for more information.

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