This Special Issue honoring the legacy of Reika Yokochi will feature a broad range of contributions on all aspects of noble gas geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Submit your manuscript by November 30, 2024.

A woman with shoulder-length black hair smiles at the camera, standing against a dark blue geometric background. She is wearing a light-colored blazer over a dark top.

Dr. Reika Yokochi, a rising star in noble gas geochemistry and cosmochemistry, departed this world much too soon at the age of 48 on February 17, 2024. Reika held the position of Research Professor in the Department of Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago. She established a laboratory in Chicago for the research of the extraction and purification of noble gas radionuclides from large-volume water samples for novel investigations of crustal fluids and paleoclimate.She also had research interests in noble gases in the Earth's mantle and in the incorporation of noble gases in ices under conditions relevant to the formation of comets and icy moons.

With this Special Issue in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, we want to honor and extend Reika's scientific legacy. We welcome articles on all aspects of noble gas geochemistry and cosmochemistry, particularly those pertaining to her favorite topics:

  • Application of noble gases, including stable isotopes and radionuclides, in hydrology and paleoclimate
  • Understanding the incorporation of noble gases in cometary ice and icy moons of the outer planets
  • Insights to terrestrial mantle and atmosphere evolution from isotopes of noble gases and nitrogen in mantle rocks

Submitted manuscripts must comply with the ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Guidelines for Authors and will follow the normal refereeing process of the journal and peer review decisions will be made by the journal Editors. Please submit your manuscript by November 30, 2024. The planned completion of this issue will be the first anniversary of Reika's passing, Feb. 17, 2025.

Organizing Editors

Neil C. Sturchio, Guest Editor
University of Delaware, United States (Email)

Bernard Marty, Guest Editor
Université de Lorraine, France

Yuji Sano, Guest Editor
Kochi University, Japan

How to Submit

  • Log in to the ACS Publishing Center.
  • Select the “Journals” tab.
  • Search for ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.
  • Click "Submit."
  • Under the “Special Issue Selection” menu choose “Reika Yokochi Special Issue.”

Please refer to the journal's Author Guidelines page for more information about submission requirements. Submitted manuscripts will follow the normal peer review process of the journal and peer review decisions will be made by the journal Editors.

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