This new Virtual Special Issue in ACS ES&T Engineering strives to capture the latest research advances in environmental biotechnologies across a broad array of environmental applications in the context of a carbon-neutral circular economy. Submit your manuscript by December 19, 2023.
Carbon neutrality and a circular economy are two main goals in pursuing a more sustainable society. Environmental biotechnologies have shown considerable potential in enabling achievement of these two goals. In this ACS ES&T Engineering Special Issue call for papers, we are seeking high-impact research contributions on advancements, applications, and principles of environmental biotechnologies, with a particular focus on their development and applications in water and wastewater sectors. The Special Issue welcomes high-quality research articles and review articles in, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Environmental biotechnologies for water treatment
- Environmental biotechnologies for wastewater treatment
- Environmental biotechnologies for sludge treatment
- Environmental biotechnologies for resource recovery from wastewater
- Environmental biotechnologies for energy generation from wastewater
This Virtual Special Issue will be managed by:
Hee-Deung Park, Guest Editor
Korea University, Korea
George Wells, Guest Editor
Northwestern University, USA
Hyung-Sool Lee, Guest Editor
Nancy Love, Associate Editor, ACS ES&T Engineering
University of Michigan, USA
Submission Instructions
Manuscripts must adhere to ACS ES&T Engineering submission guidelines available on the journal’s Information for Authors page. Accepted manuscripts for consideration in this Special Issue will include research articles and reviews. Manuscripts submitted for consideration for will undergo the full rigorous peer review process expected from ACS journals.
How to Submit
- Log in to the ACS Paragon Plus submission site.
- Choose ACS ES&T Engineering as your journal.
- Select your manuscript type.
- Under the ‘Special Issue Selection’ menu, choose ‘Environmental Biotechnologies Enabling a Carbon-Neutral Circular Economy.'
Please see our Author Guidelines for more information on submission requirements. The deadline for submission is December 19, 2023.
If you are unsure if your research is within the scope of this Special Issue or have other questions about submitting your manuscript, please email