ACS Earth and Space Chemistry welcomes contributions for an upcoming special issue devoted to “Chemical Interactions in the Plant-Atmosphere-Soil System.” The scope of this issue covers the plant-atmosphere-soil system with its associated microbiomes, which is best viewed as an integrated system, where phenotypic expression at the systems level is governed by chemical interactions at the […]

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry welcomes contributions for an upcoming special issue devoted to “Chemical Interactions in the Plant-Atmosphere-Soil System.” The scope of this issue covers the plant-atmosphere-soil system with its associated microbiomes, which is best viewed as an integrated system, where phenotypic expression at the systems level is governed by chemical interactions at the subcellular level, i.e., interactions within plant or microbial cells, the intercellular level, i.e., cellular interactions within plants cells, between plants and microbes or between microbes, and the extracellular level, i.e., atmospheric interactions or interactions involving soil minerals or soil organic matter. Our ability to understand, predict, and ultimately control the function of plant-atmosphere-soil systems and their responses to environmental variables requires unraveling this complex network of chemical interactions.
Submission of both original research and review-type papers are encouraged. Interested researchers should plan to commit to a submission timeline on or before November 1, 2020, so that the journal can ensure timely publication of this special issue.
The Guest Editors welcome any pre-inquiries on manuscript concepts should questions arise about relevance against scope.