Environmental Science & Technology Letters(ES&T Letters)旨在发表需求紧迫的新型时效性论文,投稿来自环境科学、工程学和健康科学群体。ES&T Letters 的编辑团队从期刊范围内众多有价值的研究中,评选出年度最佳论文奖得主。对于 2022 年发表的稿件,最佳论文奖提名由编辑顾问委员会成员和 ES&T Letters 编辑团队提供。在 2022 年发表的众多主题中,空气污染、数据科学、全氟和多氟烷基物质 (PFAS)、基于废水的流行病学/监测以及轮胎中新出现的污染物是该期刊的常见主题。在最佳论文奖的Letters类中,五位获奖者中有两位研究了空气污染问题,另外两位研究了轮胎抗氧化剂转化产品对水质的影响,还有一篇稿件报道了废水监测对检测流感爆发的重要性。在 "Global Perspectives "类别中,最佳论文奖得主就如何利用高分辨质谱仪(HRMS)进行非目标分析以改进全氟辛烷磺酸(PFAS)的鉴定提出了及时的建议。在 "Brief Review "类别中,获奖论文以批判性的眼光探讨了在水回用过程中膜来选择性去除有机污染物的前景。我们代表整个编辑团队向2022年度最佳ES&T Letters论文奖获得者表示最热烈的祝贺!
Tweak in Puzzle: Tailoring Membrane Chemistry and Structure toward Targeted Removal of Organic Micropollutants for Water Reuse
Hao Guo, Ruobin Dai, Ming Xie, Lu Elfa Peng, Zhikan Yao, Zhe Yang, Long D. Nghiem, Shane A. Snyder, Zhiwei Wang*, and Chuyang Y. Tang
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00094
Communicating Confidence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Identification via High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Joseph A. Charbonnet, Carrie A. McDonough, Feng Xiao, Trever Schwichtenberg, Dunping Cao, Sarit Kaserzon, Kevin V. Thomas, Pradeep Dewapriya, Benjamin J. Place, Emma L. Schymanski, Jennifer A. Field, Damian E. Helbling, and Christopher P. Higgins*
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00206
Wastewater-Based Detection of Two Influenza Outbreaks
Marlene K. Wolfe, Dorothea Duong, Kevin M. Bakker, Michelle Ammerman, Lindsey Mortenson, Bridgette Hughes, Peter Arts, Adam S. Lauring, William J. Fitzsimmons, Emily Bendall, Calvin E. Hwang, Emily T. Martin, Bradley J. White, Alexandria B. Boehm*, and Krista R. Wigginton*
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00350
Acute Toxicity of the Tire Rubber-Derived Chemical 6PPD-quinone to Four Fishes of Commercial, Cultural, and Ecological Importance
Markus Brinkmann, David Montgomery, Summer Selinger, Justin G. P. Miller, Eric Stock, Alper James Alcaraz, Jonathan K. Challis, Lynn Weber, David Janz, Markus Hecker*, and Steve Wiseman
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00050
6PPD-Quinone: Revised Toxicity Assessment and Quantification with a Commercial Standard
Zhenyu Tian*, Melissa Gonzalez, Craig A. Rideout, Haoqi Nina Zhao, Ximin Hu, Jill Wetzel, Emma Mudrock, C. Andrew James, Jenifer K. McIntyre, and Edward P. Kolodziej*
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00910
Historical Redlining Is Associated with Present-Day Air Pollution Disparities in U.S. Cities
Haley M. Lane, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Julian D. Marshall, and Joshua S. Apte*
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.1c01012
Revealing Drivers of Haze Pollution by Explainable Machine Learning
Linlu Hou, Qili Dai*, Congbo Song, Bowen Liu, Fangzhou Guo, Tianjiao Dai, Linxuan Li, Baoshuang Liu, Xiaohui Bi, Yufen Zhang, and Yinchang Feng
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00865