Submit your manuscript by February 29, 2024.

Dr. Olga Kennard was a visionary scientist whose pioneering work played an instrumental role in shaping modern crystallography. Her pioneering efforts have resonated across academia and industry, with the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) fostering transformative research worldwide.
The Virtual Special Issue of Crystal Growth & Design "Legacy and Future Impact of the Cambridge Structural Database: A Tribute to Dr. Olga Kennard" is scheduled for publication in early 2024. As we remember her enduring contributions, we also aim to explore the future potential and impact of the CSD and structural science in light of her legacy.
We welcome contributions in the form of original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and communications that align with the theme of the Virtual Special Issue. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- Innovations in crystallographic techniques inspired by Dr. Kennard's work.
- Applications of the CSD in diverse scientific disciplines.
- Advances in crystal structure prediction and modeling.
- Studies on solid form informatics, crystal engineering, and polymorphism.
- Advancements in understanding and designing Metal-Organic Frameworks.
- Influence of crystallography on materials science, drug discovery, and beyond.
- Future directions and challenges in structural science.
The submission deadline is February 29, 2024.
Editorial Team
This Virtual Special Issue will be managed by:
Professor Jonathan W. Steed, Editor-in-Chief, Crystal Growth & Design
Durham University, United Kingdom
Professor Christer Aakeröy, Guest Editor
Kansas State University, United States
Professor Delia Haynes, Guest Editor
Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Suzanna Ward, Guest Editor
The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, United Kingdom
Author Instructions
To submit your manuscript, visit the Crystal Growth & Design website. Please follow the procedures for manuscript submission and, in the ACS Paragon Plus submission site, select the Special Issue “Legacy and Future Impact of the Cambridge Structural Database - A Tribute to Dr. Olga Kennard.” All manuscripts will undergo rigorous editorial peer review. Articles are published on a rolling basis in an issue of Crystal Growth & Design. Once the Special Issue is complete, all articles will be publicized as a virtual collection, which will provide additional exposure for the work. For additional submission instructions, please see the Crystal Growth & Design Author Guidelines.
The submission deadline is February 29, 2024.
Open Access
There are diverse open-access options for publications in American Chemical Society journals. Please visit our Open Science Resource Center for more information.