ACS Applied Nano Materials seeks submissions to an upcoming Special Issue, “Women in Nano,” showcasing recent research advances from women scientists and engineers working on application-focused nanomaterials research.

ACS Publications is committed to celebrating diversity in the chemical sciences. From our editors and authors, to early-career researchers and industrial chemists, ACS Applied Nano Materials recognizes the broad impact women researchers have on advancing nanoscience.

In 2023, ACS Applied Nano Materials (Impact factor 6.140 in 2021) will publish a forum (Special Issue) “Women in Nano,” showcasing recent research advances from women scientists and engineers working on application-focused nanomaterials research.

Do you have a research report to include? Submit your manuscript by August 31, 2023.

The organizers, who are all women on the editorial team at ACS Applied Nano Materials, cordially invite you and your research group to contribute to this Special Issue. With this ‘Women in Nano’ issue, ACS Applied Nano Materials would like to celebrate our commitment to women researchers of all career stages doing outstanding research in the field. The issue will also serve as a reminder that gender equity is imperative for better science—and a better world.

The editor committee of this Forum:

Headshot of Dr. Jacinta Conrad
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Dr. Jacinta Conrad
Executive Editor of ACS Applied Nano Materials

Headshot of Dr. Mônica A. Cotta
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Dr. Mônica A. Cotta
Executive Editor of ACS Applied Nano Materials

Headshot of Dr. Kaoru Tamada
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Dr. Kaoru Tamada
Associate Editor of ACS Applied Nano Materials

Headshot of Dr. Grace Andrews Nirmala
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Dr. Grace Andrews Nirmala
Editorial Advisory Board Member of ACS Applied Nano Materials

To qualify for the forum, the submitted paper will need to have either the first author and/or the corresponding author as a woman. No invitations are required to join the forum.

To join this Special Issue (Forum), please indicate that your manuscript is intended for the forum “Women in Nano” in the cover letter of the submission to ACS Applied Nano Materials.

Manuscripts submitted for consideration for this Special Issue will undergo the same rigorous peer review process expected from ACS journals. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication can expect to be informed within 10 weeks of their submission date.

Submissions in all research areas within the scope of ACS Applied Nano Materials are welcome. For details of our manuscript types and requirements, please consult the Author Guidelines.

If you have questions about the scope and/or about publishing in ACS Applied Nano Materials, please contact Managing Editor Dr. Chengmei Zhong.

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