Celebrate this significant milestone by contributing your work to a joint Virtual Special Issue from ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters and the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Submit your manuscript by December 31, 2023.

The MIKIW Meeting-in-Miniature is an annual medicinal chemistry conference held between the Departments of Medicinal Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Universities of Minnesota, Illinois at Chicago, Kansas, Iowa, and, as of 2018, Wisconsin. Founded in 1963, this annual student-run conference is alternately hosted by the member institutions and is a unique aspect of graduate education at these universities.
These Midwestern institutions have served as the cradle of academic medicinal chemistry in the United States. Indeed, some of the original founders of the first meeting are well-known names in the field of medicinal chemistry: Bauer, Cannon, Gisvold, Portoghese, and Smissman, among others. More than just a small regional meeting, MIKIW and its current and former students and faculty have had a big impact on the practice of medicinal chemistry.
This joint Virtual Special Issue with the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the MIKIW Meeting-in-Miniature. Current and former faculty and students of MIKIW departments, as well as MIKIW keynote speakers, are invited to submit manuscripts for consideration for this Virtual Special Issue. We welcome submissions for this Virtual Special Issue through December 31, 2023.
Organizing Editors
Craig Lindsley, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, United States
Terry Moore, Topic Editor, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
University of Illinois at Chicago, United States
Submission Instructions
- Log in to the ACS Paragon Plus submission site and choose Journal of Medicinal Chemistry or ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters.
- Select your manuscript type, and, under "Special Issue Selection," choose "Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the MIKIW Meeting-in-Miniature."
Please see Author Guidelines for either Journal of Medicinal Chemistry or ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters for more information on submission requirements. For this collaborative issue, the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry will publish Perspectives, original research Articles, and Drug Annotations. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters welcomes Letters, Microperspectives, Technical Notes, Notes, and Viewpoints.
We welcome pre-submission inquiries, which can be sent to:
- ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters: eic@medchemlett.acs.org
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry: jmc@jmedchem.acs.org
The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2023.