This Virtual Special Issue will highlight early career pharmaceutical science and drug delivery research performed within the biotech and pharma industries. Submit your manuscript by August 1, 2024.
Molecular Pharmaceutics is issuing an open call for papers an upcoming Virtual Special Issue titled “Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Delivery Research from Early Career Scientists.”
This VSI will showcase the breadth of high-quality work led by early career scientists (≤ 10 years from PhD) in pharmaceutical sciences and drug delivery. We encourage research works illustrating global collaborations as well as collaborations at the interface of academia and industry. This VSI offers the opportunity to promote emerging leaders in the pharmaceutical sciences and drug delivery fields.
We welcome topics such as:
- Nanomedicine and drug delivery
- Protein and biological therapeutics
- Pharmacokinetics and modeling
- Molecular imaging and theragnostic
- Drug discovery and medicinal chemistry
- Other areas covered by the scope of Molecular Pharmaceutics
Organizing Editors
Lauren Austin, Guest Editor
Merck, United States | Email
Orlagh Feeney, Guest Editor
Monash University, Australia | Email
Patrick O’Dwyer, Guest Editor
University College Cork, Ireland | Email
Weijun Wei, Guest Editor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China | Email
Chun-Wan Yen, Guest Editor
Genentech, United States | Email
Submission Information
We welcome submissions for this Virtual Special Issue through August 1, 2024. Submitting authors must qualify as as an early career scientist (≤ 10 years from Ph.D.) at the time of manuscript submission.
For more information on submission requirements, please visit the journal’s Author Guidelines.
Manuscripts formatted as Research Articles, Communications, Reviews, or Perspectives will be accepted from all the relevant fields. If the paper is ready before the deadline, please feel free to submit it under the appropriate special issue title, and it will be processed normally. If extra time is needed, please contact us as soon as possible so that we might accommodate the request. Acceptance is dependent on the results of peer review.
Upon acceptance, the paper will be published on a rolling basis in a regular issue of Molecular Pharmaceutics. Once all invited articles have appeared online, they will be collected into a single Virtual Special Issue and provide the authors additional exposure.
How to Submit
- Log in to the ACS Paragon Plus submission site.
- Choose Molecular Pharmaceutics.
- Select your manuscript type, and, under "Special Issue Selection," choose "Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Delivery Research from Early Career Scientists."
If you have any questions about contributing to this Virtual Special Issue, please contact any of the Guest Editors listed above for more details.