This Special Issue is the result of a call for abstracts launched in May 2017 in anticipation of the 2nd Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry for Global Health held in Tres Cantos, Spain, in June 2017.

Several diseases disproportionately affect people in the developing world. These include the 19 so-called “neglected tropical diseases” identified by the WHO, as well as tuberculosis and malaria. 1-3 ACS Infectious Diseases hopes to draw attention to these diseases and the ongoing drug discovery efforts to combat them with a Special Issue focused on the supra-discipline of “Global Health.” This Special Issue is the result of a call for abstracts launched in May 2017 in anticipation of the 2nd Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry for Global Health held in Tres Cantos, Spain, in June 2017. Many speakers who presented at this meeting contributed to this publication. In total, the Special Issue features 22 contributions, including 15 original research Articles and Letters, three Perspectives, one Review, one Viewpoint, and two Editorials.
“ACS Infectious Diseases if thrilled to feature a special issue on Global Health that has contributions from around the globe on bacterial, fungal, viral, and protozoal neglected tropical diseases covering a tremendous diversity of topics on genomics, target identification, development of new platform technology, medicinal chemistry, and academic-industry partnerships,” says Editor-in-Chief Professor Courtney C. Aldrich. The Special Issue published on April 13.
To celebrate this publication, ACS Webinars and ACS Infectious Diseases hosted a webinar on April 5 featuring journal author and EAB member Michael Pollastri, Professor and Chair of the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department at Northeastern University, as the speaker, as well as Guest and Associate Editor Félix Calderón, Drug Discovery Manager at GlaxoSmithKline, as the moderator. The webinar recording is available online.
With this special issue focused on drug discovery on global health we hope to stimulate and foster the research in diseases affecting millions of people in the developing world,” says Félix Calderón. “Readers will take away a sense of some of the science, diversity of the diseases and approaches that are currently being undertaken which make this field unique”