In serving the nanoscience and nanotechnology community, ACS Nano is continuously seeking to deliver a fair, rigorous, and personalized service to authors, all while understanding the importance of handling your manuscript with care and efficiency. All of the editors and editorial advisory board members are active in their own research, and so understand the need […]

In serving the nanoscience and nanotechnology community, ACS Nano is continuously seeking to deliver a fair, rigorous, and personalized service to authors, all while understanding the importance of handling your manuscript with care and efficiency. All of the editors and editorial advisory board members are active in their own research, and so understand the need to publish quickly. In 2019, ACS Nano editors and reviewers helped authors to publish their articles in 12.9 weeks from the date of submission.
The journal’s speed of publication is more critical than ever during the Coronavirus outbreak. Here are a few examples of the articles whose publication has been expedited during the pandemic:
Can N95 Respirators Be Reused after Disinfection? How Many Times?
ACS Nano 2020, 14, 5, 6348–6356
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c03597
Flexible Nanoporous Template for the Design and Development of Reusable Anti-COVID-19 Hydrophobic Face Masks
ACS Nano 2020, 14, 6, 7659–7665
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c03976
Effectiveness of Common Fabrics to Block Aqueous Aerosols of Virus-like Nanoparticles
ACS Nano 2020, 14, 6, 7651–7658
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c03972
Filtration Efficiencies of Nanoscale Aerosol by Cloth Mask Materials Used to Slow the Spread of SARS-CoV-2
ACS Nano 2020, 14, 7, 9188–9200
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c05025
Read more research relating to COVID-19 published in ACS Nano.
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