This Special Issue will highlight recent advances in understanding electrochemical stability of functional energy materials. Submit your manuscript by January 31, 2025.

Abstract image showing spheres and light trails among clusters of smaller spheres, all in various shades of blue and purple.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C will publish a topical Special Issue on “Degradation of Electrochemical Materials in Energy Conversion and Storage.” Researchers are encouraged to submit a manuscript describing their new and unpublished work by January 31, 2025.

With the increasing role of electrochemical materials in energy conversion and storage, interest in understanding and controlling materials corrosion and degradation has grown. This Special Issue aims to highlight recent advances in understanding electrochemical stability of functional energy materials with applications in electrolyzers, fuel cells, batteries and photoelectrochemical cells. We especially anticipate contributions providing fundamental insights into degradation and corrosion mechanisms, and how they are coupled to functional materials properties. Both computational and experimental studies, as well as combinations thereof, are welcome.

Research areas of particular interest include:

  • Investigations of mechanistic relationships between functional properties of electrochemical materials and degradation/corrosion mechanisms
  • Operando experiments and computational modeling aimed at identifying the reaction pathways and intermediates of materials corrosion
  • Studies of dynamic, transient interfacial processes
  • Development and application of novel experimental techniques and computational models to examine degradation of electrochemical functional materials
  • Applications of electrochemical energy materials, including, but not limited to, electrocatalysis, fuel cells, batteries, photovoltaics, supercapacitors, sensors

Organizing Editors

Prof. Vitaly Alexandrov, Guest Editor
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States

Dr. Tuan Anh Pham, Guest Editor
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States

Prof. Kelsey Stoerzinger, Guest Editor
University of Minnesota, United States

Submission Information

We welcome submissions for this Special Issue through January 31, 2025. All submissions to The Journal of Physical Chemistry will be handled by Senior Editors and peer-reviewed with the same standards and expectations applied to all other manuscripts submitted to the journal.

To ensure an unbiased peer-review process, the journal asks that you do not indicate within your manuscript that the submission is intended for the Special Issue. If you do, your manuscript will be returned for correction. Instead, when you submit your manuscript, please state prominently in the cover letter for the submission that the paper is intended for “Degradation of Electrochemical Materials in Energy Conversion and Storage.” You can find a complete list of sections and other important information for authors in the The Journal of Physical Chemistry Author Guidelines.

As with all submissions to The Journal of Physical Chemistry, your manuscript for the Special Issue should represent a rigorous scientific report of original research. Manuscripts are expected to provide new physical insight and/or present new theoretical or computational methods of broad interest.

For more information on submission requirements, please visit the journal’s Author Guidelines page.

How to Submit

  • Log in to the ACS Paragon Plus submission site.
  • Choose The Journal of Physical Chemistry and select your manuscript type.

If you are unsure if your research is within the scope of this Special Issue or have other questions about submitting a manuscript to the journal please email The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Deputy Editor Gregory Hartland’s office at

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