This Virtual Special Issue seeks to underscore the critical role of advanced spectroscopic methodologies in the evolution of renewable energy. Submit your manuscript by August 31, 2024.

A blue background with a lot of lines and dots.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C will publish a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) entitled “Spectroscopic Techniques for Renewable Energy.” Researchers are encouraged to submit a manuscript describing their new and unpublished work by August 31, 2024.

This VSI seeks to underscore the critical role of advanced spectroscopic methodologies in the evolution of renewable energy. Spectroscopic techniques facilitate understanding of materials' structural, optical, and electronic properties, offering unique insights into the kinetics, thermodynamics, and mechanistic intricacies of catalytic reactions. Consequently, this accelerates the development of renewable energy systems and fosters the potential for unprecedented innovations. This special issue will cover electronic, vibrational, thermal, elastic, and other relevant spectroscopic techniques for applications in green energy (including hydrogen energy, fuel cells, batteries, and photocatalysis). Advances in in-situ/operando spectroscopies with high temporal and spatial resolutions are also of interest.

Topics of this VSI will primarily include, but are not limited to:

  • Electro- and photo-catalysis
  • High-temperature electrolysis and fuel cells
  • In-situ/operando spectroscopic techniques
  • Single-entity detections
  • Nano and micro characterizations
  • Mapping and time-resolved spectroscopy

Organizing Editors

Linjuan Zhang, Guest Editor
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jian-Qiang Wang, Guest Editor
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scott Oliver, Guest Editor
University of California, Santa Cruz

Submission Instructions

All submissions to The Journal of Physical Chemistry will be handled by JPC Senior Editors and peer-reviewed with the same standards and expectations applied to all other manuscripts submitted to the journal. To ensure an unbiased peer-review process, the journal asks that you do not indicate within your manuscript that the submission is intended for the VSI. If you do, your manuscript will be returned for correction. Instead, when you submit your manuscript, please state prominently in the cover letter for the submission that the paper is intended for the “Spectroscopic Techniques for Renewable Energy” VSI. You can find a complete list of sections and other important information for authors in the The Journal of Physical Chemistry Author Guidelines.

As with all submissions to JPC, your manuscript for the VSI should represent a rigorous scientific report of original research. Manuscripts are expected to provide new physical insight and/or present new theoretical or computational methods of broad interest.

Contributing to this Virtual Special Issue

If you are unsure if your research is within the scope of this VSI scope or have other questions about submitting a manuscript to this VSI, please email JPC C Deputy Editor Gregory Hartland’s office (

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