John T. Fourkas is the Millard Alexander Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland in College Park. Fourkas is also the Senior Editor for The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, and C, a position he’s held since 2002. We recently caught up with Fourkas for a brief video […]
John T. Fourkas is the Millard Alexander Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland in College Park. Fourkas is also the Senior Editor for The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, and C, a position he’s held since 2002.
We recently caught up with Fourkas for a brief video interview inside a laser laboratory where his group works on using ultrafast nonlinear optics to study, image, and sculpt matter at the nano scale.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO ACS AXIAL READERS! This is a 360-degree video, which means you can use your cursor or smartphone to navigate around inside the lab—and look at whatever you want—just as if you were there in person. So when Fourkas starts walking around inside his lab, that’s your cue to use your cursor or smartphone to follow him. This functionality is supported in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera browsers. If you’re viewing this on a mobile device, try watching this video through the YouTube app to get the full effect.
With this functionality in mind, please check out this In the Lab 360° video.