Macromolecules aims to advance, optimize, and facilitate the community’s application of AI in polymer science. We encourage submissions of original research articles in this area.

The polymer science community is interested in how artificial intelligence is being used, or can be used, for the advancement of fundamental polymer science. Recognizing AI as an increasingly necessary tool in contemporary research, Macromolecules seeks contributions that address the questions and answers that AI techniques provide.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your original research articles to Macromolecules. We also welcome your suggestions of Perspective articles in this area. Please get in touch with the Organizing Editors with your suggestions.

In this Editorial, we give guidance on the types of articles we would like to see submitted to Macromolecules. It is vital for your submissions in this area to have a clear focus on polymer science; the AI tool should solve a previously unsolved problem, or make some advance, or be a novel tool addressing a polymer-specific problem; existing AI tools adapted to solve additional polymer challenges are also in scope, provided they meet Macromolecules’ standards and requirements.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Automation in polymer science research
  • Tools for wrangling polymer-focused datasets
  • Using AI to design, discover, and aid manufacture of novel polymers or novel purposes of existing polymers

We welcome original Research Articles, and your suggestions of Perspective pieces. Your contributions will play a significant role in advancing the application of AI in polymer science.

Organizing Editors

Prof. Arthi Jayaraman, Associate Editor, Macromolecules
University of Delaware, United States

Prof. Bradley Olsen, Associate Editor, Macromolecules
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

Submission Information

Macromolecules accepts submissions of Research Articles, or suggestions of Perspective pieces. Manuscripts submitted for consideration will undergo the full rigorous peer review process expected from ACS journals. For more information on submission requirements, please visit the journal’s Author Guidelines page.

If you have any general questions regarding submission, please contact Graham Smeddle (

Open Access: There are diverse open-access options for publications in American Chemical Society journals. Please visit our Open Science Resource Center for more information.

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