ACS Publications now features recommended articles at the end of journal article PDFs that will provide you a link to related research.

ACS Publications has introduced an enhancement to the PDF version of ACS journal articles that will assist with your browsing and research discovery. We now feature recommended articles at the end of journal article PDFs that will provide you a link to related research. This serves as a complement to the recommended article list that has appeared on the HTML version of our research articles.
The recommended articles will be located at the end of the PDF as shown here. Read on to find out more:

How many recommended articles will be on a PDF?
Each article can have four recommendations, where space allows.
How are the article recommendations generated?
Article recommendations are powered by AI, based on a combination of content analysis and viewing patterns. These recommendations will change over time, based on changing viewing patterns of that article and any related ones.
Which journal article PDFs have this enhancement?
ACS journal research articles, rapid communications, and review articles published from December 2021 to the present are eligible for recommendations. Recommendations will be placed only if there is space on the last page of the PDF.
Where can I see this feature?
Check out this research article and you will see a list of recommended articles at the end of the PDF.