Learn how ACS Publications is taking the next step in Open Science by entering into Read + Publish agreements with leading research institutions.

ACS Publications is a longtime supporter of the growing Open Science movement. In addition to three full Open Access journals, ACS Central Science, ACS Omega, and the soon-to-be-launched JACS Au, 100% of ACS Publications journals publish open access research through ACS AuthorChoice licenses. Now ACS Publications is taking the next step by entering into Read + Publish agreements with leading research institutions.
What are Read + Publish Agreements?
Under a Read + Publish agreement, sometimes also known as a transformative open access agreement, authors at a participating university or other research institution will receive full article publishing charge (APC) support to publish journal articles under an open-access license in any of ACS’ more than 60 chemistry journals. These agreements also grant affiliated researchers at participating institutions full access to all articles in ACS journals and Chemical & Engineering News. View a complete list of Read + Publish Agreements.
Why is ACS Publications Supporting Read + Publish Agreements?
These Read + Publish agreements open research up to the world, help authors find more readers and satisfy funding requirements. They meet ACS Publication’s commitment to supporting Open Access while freeing chemists from having to get the funding to pay for an Open Access license and offering them a streamlined publishing workflow. As a nonprofit society publisher, accelerating Open Access publishing in a smart, sustainable way meets ACS Publications’ goal of advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its people. To date, ACS authors have published more than 25,000 open access articles in ACS Publications journals, with that number growing every day.
Who is ACS Partnering with on Read + Publish Agreements?
To date, ACS Publications has signed Read + Publish agreements covering over 250 institutions in 20 countries around the globe, with more on the way. Some of the agreements cover the following:
Tokyo University of Science (TSU)
ACS Publications and Tokyo University of Science (TSU) are partnering over the next five years to allow all publications by TUS researchers in ACS journals to be made available completely open access, bringing greater visibility to the scientific contributions of the university’s researchers. In addition to the possibility to make their articles available open access, scientists from TUS will benefit from access to ACS’ more than 75 premier journals in all areas of chemistry, as well as the newsmagazine Chemical & Engineering News.
Under an agreement with the Polish Academic Consortium, researchers at 51 institutions across Poland will be able to publish under the most liberal of open access licenses, CC-BY. They will also benefit from a highly streamlined process aligning their journal article to the article publication charges covered by this agreement. Researchers at participating institutions will also have access to the over 65 premier journals published by ACS.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
As of 2020, all articles whose corresponding author is affiliated with UNICAMP will have the opportunity to publish their research in any ACS journal under a AuthorChoice open access license at no cost to the author.
ACS Publications and Weizmann Institute of Science have agreed to partner on a pilot to explore a sustainable model of open access that will advance shared goals for open science and enhance convenience for the Malmad Consortium author community.
Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA)
ACS Publications and three member institutions at the Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA) have agreed to partner over the next year to explore sustainable models of open access that will advance shared goals for open science and enhance convenience for LMBA.
As of 2020, all articles whose corresponding author is affiliated with LMBA will have the opportunity to publish their research in any ACS journal under a CC-BY open-access license at no cost to the author.
LMBAresearchers will also benefit from full access to all articles in ACS Publications journals and Chemical & Engineering News.
Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST)
ACS Publications and the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) have agreed to partner for the next three years (2020–2022) to explore sustainable models of open access that will advance shared goals for open science and enhance convenience for KAUST. As of 2020, all articles whose corresponding author is affiliated with KAUST will have the opportunity to publish their research in any ACS journal under a CC-BY open-access license at no cost to the author. KAUST researchers will also benefit from full access to all articles in ACS Publications journals and Chemical & Engineering News.
United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
A new agreement with ACS Publications will enhance MIT researchers open access options. All ACS journal articles with MIT-affiliated corresponding authors will be made open access. The associated accepted manuscripts will be automatically deposited into MIT’s open access repository, as called for under MIT’s Framework for Publisher Contracts, while a number of the final published papers will also be made open on the ACS publishing platform at no additional cost to individual authors. The terms of the agreement add a new service of ACS-managed auto-deposit to the existing pathways ACS has developed to advance open access. The direct deposit automation is a value-added service unique to ACS’ agreement with MIT and aligns with a key element of MIT’s framework.
Louisiana State University signed a transformative open access agreement with ACS Publications in February 2020. Under the agreement, LSU will cover article publication charges for LSU corresponding authors publishing their research under an open-access license in any of ACS’ more than 60 premier journals throughout 2020. Authors at LSU will also be able to publish under the most liberal of open access licenses, “CC BY,” and benefit from a seamless online workflow solution created jointly by ACS and the Copyright Clearance Center. The agreement also provides LSU researchers with full access to every ACS Publications journal. This is the first such agreement signed by ACS Publications with a research institution in North America.
Austrian Academic Library Consortium
Under a three-year Read + Publish agreement signed in February 2020, researchers at 11 research institutions affiliated with the Austrian Academic Library Consortium will have the ability to publish peer-reviewed articles open access in any of ACS’ more than 60 chemistry journals at no cost to the author.
In February of 2020, Sweden’s Bibsam Consortium signed a three-year Read + Publish agreement covering authors affiliated with 21 academic member institutions, including universities, university colleges, and government-funded research institutions. The agreement has the potential to make 100% of articles published by consortium authors open access. ACS will seamlessly process licensing transactions through novel eCommerce functionality implemented jointly with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC).
Hungarian Electronic Information Service National Programme (EISZ)
ACS Publications announced a Read + Publish agreement with the Hungarian Electronic Information Service National Programme (EISZ) in November of 2019. Alongside access ACS Publications more than 60 chemistry journals and Chemical & Engineering News, this transformative open access pilot agreement lets corresponding authors affiliated at the seven consortium member institutions to publish their research open access in any ACS Publications journal at no additional cost to the authors.
In March of 2019, ACS Publications and the Max Planck Society, Max Planck Digital Library, entered into a 4-year transformative agreement to explore sustainable models of open access. Under this agreement, authors affiliated with Max Planck institutes are able to publish 100% of their research under an open-access license, at no cost to themselves, upon acceptance in any ACS Publications journal.
Get a complete list of all read and publish agreements.