These meetings are organized by ACS Local Sections and feature excellent technical programs on a variety of topics, poster sessions, expositions, and social events.

Continuing education is important for chemists of all disciplines and all career levels. One of the best ways to connect with the rest of the chemistry community, network with peers, and keep up with the latest research in by attending a conference.
However, budget or scheduling constraints that make it difficult for you to attend a larger, national or international conference. ACS Regional Meetings can be a great alternative, or even a supplement to other events. These meetings are organized by ACS Local Sections and feature excellent technical programs on a variety of topics, poster sessions, expositions, and social events. They have lower entry costs (with travel discounts available) and because of there smaller size, they offer more opportunities for attendees to get to know each other.
Learn about the ACS Regional Meetings near you in 2018:
Northeast Nanomaterials Meeting (NENM 2018)
June 1-3, Lake Placid, NY
The theme will be: “Nanomaterials: Applications and Environmental Impacts”
Central Regional Meeting (CENM 2018)
June 13-16 Toledo, OH
The theme will be: “A Kalidoscope of Collateral Chemistry”
Northwest Regional Meeting (NORM 2018)
June 23-27, Richland, WA
The theme will be: “Powering the Future: Energy, Environment, Education”
Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM 2018)
October 21-23, Ames, IA
Details to be announced.
Southeastern Regional Meeting (SERMACS 2018)
October 31 – November 3, Augusta, GA
The theme will be “Securing Tomorrow Through Innovation Today”
Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM 2018)
November 7 – 10, Little Rock, AR
The theme will be “The Natural State of Chemistry”