Direct Journal Transfer is a free feature of ChemRxiv that helps authors submit their posted preprints from ChemRxiv to established journals for editorial consideration and peer review.

Direct Journal Transfer is a free feature of ChemRxiv that helps authors submit their posted preprints from ChemRxiv to established journals for editorial consideration and peer review. This feature, available through the ChemRxiv author dashboard, enables easy direct submission to journals published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the German Chemical Society (GDCh), and the Beilstein-Institut.
We are working to expand this program further, with journals published by Frontiers soon to be added. You can now stay up to date on all the available destination journals on our Direct Journal Transfer webpage.

Recent preprints that went on to be published
Here are some recent preprints that went on to be published in top peer-reviewed journals such as Angewandte Chemie, JACS, and PNAS. Thank you to all the authors and readers who make ChemRxiv the premier preprint server for the global chemistry community!
Chiral Arene Ligand as Stereocontroller for Asymmetric C-H Activation
By Hao Liang, Weicong Guo, Junxuan Li, Jijun Jiang, Jun Wang
Now published in Angewandte Chemie
Blatter Radicals as Bipolar Materials for Symmetric Redox-Flow Batteries
By Jelte Steen, Jules Nuismer, Vytautas Eiva, Albert Wiglema, Nicolas Daub, Johan Hjelm, Edwin Otten
Now published in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Predicting the future of excitation energy transfer in light-harvesting complex with artificial intelligence-based quantum dynamics
By Arif Ullah, Pavlo O. Dral
Now published in Nature Communications
Surface NMR Using Quantum Sensors in Diamond
By Kristina Liu, Alex Henning, Markus W. Heindl, Robin Allert, Johannes D. Bartl, Ian D. Sharp, Roberto Rizzato, Dominik Benjamin Bucher
Now published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences