C&EN is one of the most trusted sources for objective science news, written by the experts: In order to reflect C&EN’s transition to a digital-first publication, ACS is launching C&EN Global Enterprise, designed specifically for institutional subscribers. It features all of the content found in the magazine—from cover to cover—in a highly discoverable web and […]

C&EN is one of the most trusted sources for objective science news, written by the experts:
In order to reflect C&EN’s transition to a digital-first publication, ACS is launching C&EN Global Enterprise, designed specifically for institutional subscribers. It features all of the content found in the magazine—from cover to cover—in a highly discoverable web and mobile format that is completely integrated with ACS Publications’ award-winning journal web site. Users can easily search, sort, or link articles and seamlessly flow between ACS Journals, eBooks, and other content featured on the ACS Publications web site.
C&EN Global Enterprise offers reader- and library-friendly features such as:
- Same user-friendly platform as ACS Journals, with newsfeed and issue-level viewing experiences
- Enhancements enable users to efficiently narrow search results to find the most relevant information across all ACS content including news, e-books, and journal articles
- Leverage ACS2Go to provide off-campus access to all organizational subscriptions without a proxy service or VPN
- Full COUNTER statistics through the same administrative site as journals
- Portico preservation guarantees you will always have access
- PDF and HTML versions are available, making ILL much easier
- Accurate, lasting historic record, including ad and sidebar content
- Easy to access at cenglobal.acs.org or by navigating from the ACS Publications homepage
- No more confusion due to overlapping content in different locations
Easier differentiation between C&EN front-file and archive content:
C&EN Archives, formerly a rolling archive, will now provide organizations with access to the historic record of C&EN from 1923–2015. C&EN Global Enterprise will provide access to issues dated 2016 and beyond. But you can find articles from both in the same place—whether you’re searching or viewing the list of issues. Readers of C&EN Archives content will not notice any changes, as this content is already integrated into the journal platform.
How this will impact library costs:
If you were subscribed to C&EN in 2016, your 2017 renewal quotation contained access to C&EN Global Enterprise. If it was not indicated as a line item subscription product, then it is best check your library admin account for a list of subscriptions to see if it was in one of your bundles. You may find that you have access you did not expect. If you’ve purchased C&EN Archives, your yearly update fee has been reduced to a small access maintenance fee.
If you are concerned about your access, don’t hesitate to ask your ACS representative for a list of titles provided with the package you selected.