Authors using ChemRxiv can submit their research findings for rapid posting on the web and sharing with scientists and colleagues before formal peer review. We’re pleased to announce that authors can now send preprints of review articles to ChemRxiv! In this phase of expanding our scope, ChemRxiv will now accept reviews that provide well-sourced context […]

Authors using ChemRxiv can submit their research findings for rapid posting on the web and sharing with scientists and colleagues before formal peer review. We’re pleased to announce that authors can now send preprints of review articles to ChemRxiv! In this phase of expanding our scope, ChemRxiv will now accept reviews that provide well-sourced context for previous research from multiple sources. ChemRxiv will still not accept short format letters/commentaries/opinions or purely hypothetical works. For more information, please see our submission FAQs or contact us at
To support this change, you will now be asked to select a Content Type during submission, choosing from “working paper” (for any preprint containing new research results) or “review.”
ChemRxiv expands Direct Journal Transfer
Direct Journal Transfer is a free feature of ChemRxiv that helps authors submit their posted preprints from ChemRxiv to established journals for editorial consideration and peer review. This feature, which is available through the ChemRxiv author dashboard, enables direct submission to journals published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the German Chemical Society (GDCh), including ChemPubSoc Europe (CPSE) journals.
We are expanding the program to include new journals and publishers, and you can now stay up to date on all the available destination journals on our Direct Journal Transfer webpage.
ChemRxiv site accessibility
As part of our ongoing goal of helping share the latest chemistry research as broadly as possible, the ChemRxiv site recently underwent a thorough accessibility audit. We made a number of small changes (many undetectable to most users), and the site now adheres to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standards, a high bar for online content providers. You can read more about accessibility on ChemRxiv here.
Recent most-read preprints from ChemRxiv
Here are the most downloaded preprints from January 2022. Thank you to all the authors and readers who make ChemRxiv the premier preprint server for the global chemistry community!
- Separation of Enantiomers through Local Vorticity: A Screw Model Mechanism
Anderson Duraes, J. Daniel Gezelter - Ni-Electrocatalytic C(sp3)–C(sp3) Doubly Decarboxylative Coupling
Benxiang Zhang, Yang Gao, Yuta Hioki, Martins Oderinde, Jennifer Qiao, Kevin Rodriguez, Hai-Jun Zhang, Yu Kawamata, Phil Baran - Synthesis of a Möbius carbon nanobelt
Kenichiro Itami, Yasutomo Segawa, Tsugunori Watanabe, Kotono Yamanoue, Motonobu Kuwayama, Kosuke Watanabe, Jenny Pirillo, Yuh Hijikata - Total Synthesis of Cochlearol B via a Catellani- and Visible Light-Enabled [2+2]-Cycloaddition Approach
Corinna Schindler, Alistair Richardson, Trenton Vogel, Emily Traficante, Kason Glover - Evaluating the use of absolute binding free energy in the fragment optimization process
Irfan Alibay, Aniket Mangakar, Daniel Seeliger, Philip Biggin