The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication is coming in early 2020. It contains everything included in The ACS Style Guide. So why did ACS change the name? The ACS Guide incorporates everything from the Third Edition of The ACS Style Guide, but the new ACS Guide is so much more. It is a completely redeveloped resource that tackles the entire spectrum of scientific […]

The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication is coming in early 2020. It contains everything included in The ACS Style Guide. So why did ACS change the name?
The ACS Guide incorporates everything from the Third Edition of The ACS Style Guide, but the new ACS Guide is so much more. It is a completely redeveloped resource that tackles the entire spectrum of scientific communications. Everything has changed compared with the green book many people have known for the last 15 years, from chemical nomenclature to the primary mode of delivery: online.
The ACS Guide includes all the information researchers turned to in The ACS Style Guide, such as how to build an article’s reference section. It also re-examines and expands content, adds real-world examples, and provides interactive instruction to make it easy for users to self-teach.
In addition to expanding all the content users know and love, the ACS Guide also includes entirely new topics in publishing, such as preprints, digital data, communicating safety information, and Open Access. New and coming-soon topics also include those related to—but not directly involved in—publishing, such as treatment of data, metadata, machine-readable chemical structures, and even social media.
Because the times continue to change, we’ll keep updating and expanding this resource to meet the community’s needs. New chapters are already in the works for 2020 and 2021, including posters, writing patents and funding proposals, Powerpoint presentations, and biological data treatment. Our selection of editors incorporates a diverse assortment of backgrounds to make sure the ACS Guide represents all its users’ needs, be they student, professor, researcher, or librarian.
- Dr. Gregory M. Banik, General Manager at Bio-Rad Laboratories, Informatics Division
- Grace Baysinger, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Librarian at Stanford University
- Professor Prashant Kamat, Rev. John A. Zahm Professor of Science, University of Notre Dame and the Editor-in-Chief of ACS Energy Letters
- Professor Norbert Pienta, Chemistry Professor (retired), University of Georgia and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chemical Education
With the assistance of 18 new authors, many chapters have been completely rewritten to provide even more information of relevance to librarians, researchers, and educators.