Today, Crystal Growth & Design launched a “Day in the Life of a Locked-Down Crystal Engineer,” campaign to provide a little hope and inspiration during this uncertain time. The goal of the campaign is to highlight how crystal engineers are continuing to work while social distancing. To participate, share your story on Twitter using the […]

Today, Crystal Growth & Design launched a “Day in the Life of a Locked-Down Crystal Engineer,” campaign to provide a little hope and inspiration during this uncertain time. The goal of the campaign is to highlight how crystal engineers are continuing to work while social distancing.
To participate, share your story on Twitter using the #StayHomeDesignCrystals and mentioning @CGD_ACS.
View the feed now for some inspiration.
Don’t forget to like and share your tweet with colleagues and upgrade your posts with some visuals (either video or images!).
When the campaign concludes on May 31st, the five participants with the most likes will receive a surprise prize!
Please note: To be considered, you must also follow @CGD_ACS.