ACS Publications held a Library Summit on August 9, 2019 in honor of Indian National Librarian’s Day. The ACS Publications Library Summit series launched in India in 2018, to empower the library community in India and address some of the challenges that the community faces.

ACS Publications held a Library Summit on August 9, 2019 in honor of Indian National Librarian’s Day. The ACS Publications Library Summit series launched in India in 2018, to empower the library community in India and address some of the challenges that the community faces. The library is the heart of an academic institution; one of the main tenants of the forum is to bring forward fruitful discussions keeping this in mind.
This year’s Library Summit theme was “Libraries enabling tomorrow’s discoveries with yesterday’s content.” The topic is important to the members of the research and academic community in India, as they look to transform research into innovation and harness educational institutions as an economic resource.
The event’s speakers had the opportunity to explore this theme while engaging with all the attendees and participating in thought-provoking discussions.

Mr. Peter Hoving, Regional Director – Asia Pacific, ACS Publications, welcomed the participants and talked about the importance of older information to take current decisions not only in research but also in political decisions of a country.

Mr. Kailash Balani, Managing Director, Balani Infotech Private Limited, shared his unique vantage point on archives and what would the research world look like without access to this kind of vintage content.

Mr. Manish Uniyal, Marketing Manager, ACS Publications, shared his presentation on how Indian researchers are using archival data to produce cutting edge research. He referenced some Indian researchers, institutions, and inventions where archival data played an instrumental role, establishing that researchers need this kind of vintage content.

Dr. Suresh Jange, a young and dynamic librarian from Gulbarga university, Karnataka, has contributed significantly to the field of library information science. He presented on the value of archival data for libraries and the role of libraries in supplementing research at an academic institution.

Mr. Piyush Gupta, Market and Business development manager, ACS Publications, shared how some of the top institution and researchers in the country are benefitting from using the ACS Legacy Archive and how this unparalleled collection, covering the most-cited journals in chemistry and related science, continues to play an active role, serving as a catalyst for important discoveries in India and around the world.

Dr. Sutradhar, Librarian for Central Library, IIT Kharagpur, has supervised 30 projects on library automation, digital libraries, and institutional repositories for the professional trainees of the central library. He shared his experiences with the audience, discussing the impact of archives on the research output of an institution. He also shared with the audience how ACS Publications content is helping his institution produce authoritative research.

Dr. Ajay Kumar Jha, Development Editor for ACS Omega, talked about ACS Publications Open Access initiatives in India and how ACS Omega has become a preferred journal for researchers in India, due to its ability to publish research very quickly.

Mr. Sujan Sekhar (pictured to the left) and Piyush Gupta, Market and Business Development Manager, ACS Publications, moderated a panel discussion on the event’s theme.
Panelists Pictured: Dr. Sunita Barve, librarian, NCL, Pune; Dr. Avinash Chinchure, Librarian, NCBS; Dr. Srinivas Raghavan, librarian, Bharathidasan University; and Dr. P. Vaisakhi, librarian, IISER Mohali.

The following Institutions received tokens of appreciation for their patronage of ACS Publications and for supplementing research at their institutions with ACS content:
- Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, for the highest usage of the ACS Legacy Archive in 2018, among the subscribing institutions in India
- Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, for the 2nd highest usage of the ACS Legacy Archive, highest publications in ACS Open Access & highest publications in ACS Journals in 2018
- Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, for the 3rd highest usage of the ACS Legacy Archive in 2018, among the subscribing institutions in India
This event from ACS Publications, held in collaboration with Balani Infotech Private Limited, had many take-away points for the audience. This forum provided a platform for attendees to share their views on how libraries can help transform research into innovation in the academic institutions, as well as help in enhancing the research profile of the institution by providing access to essential archival content.