ACS In Focus digital primers are now available for purchase in thematic collections that group titles by scientific areas of interest.

a collection of ACS in Focus titles

ACS In Focus helps readers of all levels accelerate their fundamental understanding of new topics and core techniques from across the sciences. These interactive primers, designed to be read in four to six hours, offer researchers a structured and efficient way to gain foundational knowledge in unfamiliar areas. We now have six collections available that group ACS In Focus titles in the following scientific areas of interest:

  • AI & Machine Learning Collection (8 titles)
  • Biotechnology & Pharma Collection (19 titles)
  • Energy & Environment Collection (23 titles)
  • Physical & Quantum Chemistry Collection (21 titles)
  • Materials Science Collection (19 titles)
  • Organic & Synthetic Chemistry Collection (14 titles)

Who are these collections for?

For Academic Institutions

When used as recommended course reading, ACS In Focus introduces budding scientists to emerging interdisciplinary and chemical topics and helps students grasp the real-world impact of science. Teaching/research staff even use ACS In Focus to build new skills and develop fast-moving research teams.

For Corporations

ACS In Focus provides the most efficient self-service continuing education solution for research teams to stay up to date about cutting-edge techniques and new topics. These four- to six-hour reads also offer scientists an effective jumping off point into literature explorations.

For Government and Nonprofit

ACS In Focus provides the most efficient self-service continuing education solution for research teams to stay up to date about cutting-edge techniques and new topics. Rapidly offer researchers and policy-makers the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

The ACS In Focus Thematic Collections are available for one-time, perpetual-access purchase. There are no limits on number or volume of concurrent users and volume of consumption. Content is delivered online in our digital e-reader that integrates video, other multi-media, and a host of other features that help busy professionals get up to speed quickly.

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