We know, we know: peer-review is tough. You worked countless hours to pull your research together and now you seem to be at the mercy at some unknown scholarly giants. Maybe you receive enthusiastic reviews from one referee while the other referee says your research isn’t offering anything new to the field. How do you […]
We know, we know: peer-review is tough. You worked countless hours to pull your research together and now you seem to be at the mercy at some unknown scholarly giants. Maybe you receive enthusiastic reviews from one referee while the other referee says your research isn’t offering anything new to the field. How do you handle that?
From the referee’s side, the review process can be thankless work. You’re offered the chance to review cutting-edge research and it’s up to you to decide if it’s ready for publication. Sometimes you get to be a mentor that helps turn a great paper into an outstanding one, other times you’re forced to be the bad guy.
Here at ACS Publications, we understand that peer-review isn’t easy (for anyone), but we also know just how crucial it is to scholarly publication. Peer-review allows your work to be vetted by experts in the field, and that rigorous examination can benefit your paper. We also realize that mileage may vary, and each individual brings their own experiences to the table.
So now it’s your turn. What have your own experiences been like? Where they largely positive or more like reviewing nightmares? Has a reviewer shed light on your paper that led you to revise it into the masterpiece it is now? Have you been haunted by the words of the notorious “Reviewer #3”? Whatever the case, share your stories (bad and good!) on social media using the hashtag #ReviewingTales. We want to hear what you have to say so we can improve your reviewing experience. Whether you’re on the author or the reviewer side of things, we’d love to hear your tales.
How to share your #ReviewingTales
- Compose a tweet, take a picture, record a video on your smartphone
- Upload to social media using #ReviewingTales and tag ACS Publications
- Share with your friends!
- Upload a video, a photo, or a written story before July 9, 2016, and 3 participants will be randomly selected to win a $100 VISA gift card.
Need some inspiration? Check out our Reviewing Tales landing page to listen to ACS’ Editors-in-Chiefs tell their own memorable tales of peer-review.
Get started sharing your stories today!