Japan’s greatest scientific research strengths may be in physics, but the country also has influence in the disciplines of pharmacology and toxicology, biology, and biochemistry. Researchers in Japan are making great progress in the areas of development of synthetic methodology with catalysis, organic materials including supramolecular chemistry, photo- and electrofunctional materials, soft matter, nanoparticles, and […]

Japan’s greatest scientific research strengths may be in physics, but the country also has influence in the disciplines of pharmacology and toxicology, biology, and biochemistry. Researchers in Japan are making great progress in the areas of development of synthetic methodology with catalysis, organic materials including supramolecular chemistry, photo- and electrofunctional materials, soft matter, nanoparticles, and formulations for pharmaceuticals. What’s more, over the past 5–8 years, there has been a surge in biotechnology research in Japan. With a rapid increase in publications across many emerging areas of chemistry, it’s more important than ever for researchers in Japan to produce high-quality, original work that sets them apart. Yet Japanese chemists also face particular challenges that they must overcome if they way to see their work appear in top-tier chemistry research journals.
To help chemists in Japan, we’ve identified 4 areas that can make or break a Japanese researchers’ submission to a high-quality, peer reviewed journal. In our special white paper, “Growing Globally: How Scientists in Japan Can Share Their Research with the World,” readers will learn about manuscript errors that can hold them back, as well as research considerations, approaches to partnership opportunities and other factors that can help Japanese researchers put their best foot forward when submitting their work. Included are special suggestions for publishing papers via open access channels, a move that can help promising new research find the wide audience it deserves. The paper also includes a section with tips for students and other young chemists from Japan, to help them get their careers off to a great start. Throughout, the white paper points readers to resources from across the ACS that Japanese Chemists can use to improve their work, present it in the best light, and find submission success in the world’s best chemistry journals.