To celebrate an incredible 2019 for Organic Letters, Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallics, and The Journal of Organic Chemistry, ACS Publications has created posters featuring the vibrant cover art from the 24 issues published in each of these core-chemistry journals this past year. Cover artwork says a lot about chemists: Scientists do more than just research; they […]

To celebrate an incredible 2019 forOrganic Letters, Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallics, and The Journal of Organic Chemistry, ACS Publications has created posters featuring the vibrant cover art from the 24 issues published in each of these core-chemistry journals this past year. Cover artwork says a lot about chemists: Scientists do more than just research; they like to express their creativity and take pride in attractively presenting their results.
Download a high-resolution pdf of your favorite journal cover poster below. Use it as a screensaver, share it on social media, share it with colleagues and members of your research group, and impress your friends. Print your own or have a print shop do it for you to hang in your office, lab, or prominent location in your department.
You can also access high-resolution versions of each cover featured on the posters in the Cover Art Gallery on each journal’s website—check out 2020 and prior years:
- Organic Letters Cover Art Gallery
- Inorganic Chemistry Cover Art Gallery
- Organometallics Cover Art Gallery
- JOC Cover Art Gallery
Cover Art Criteria
At these four journals, the Editor-in-Chief’s office contacts authors to invite submissions of Front Cover artwork; however, the journals also consider volunteer suggestions. The journals are looking for visually captivating and scientifically interesting covers that exhibit simplicity, clarity, and eye-catching high-quality graphics. Some covers may include supporting text if the artwork is not self-explanatory. Please consult each journal’s author guidelines for specific criteria.
ACS journals also offer all authors to promote their work through Supplementary Covers, up to three of which are published each issue, with voluntary submissions subject to a selection process and processing fee.
Submit Your Next Paper
While you are at it, consider submitting your next paper to one of the core ACS Inorganic or Organic journals.
- Organic Letters is the international forum for rapid communication of brief reports on cutting-edge research, creative approaches, and innovative ideas in all branches of the theory and practice of organic chemistry.
- Inorganic Chemistry is the leading journal in its field, publishing fundamental studies, both experimental and theoretical, on new and known compounds focused on structure, bonding, spectroscopy, and reactivity of molecular and extended solid-state compounds and materials from across the Periodic Table, including the fields of catalysis, metalloprotein and bioinorganic chemistry, energy and photochemistry research, organometallic chemistry, and solid-state, materials, and nanoscale chemistry.
- Organometallics is the global flagship publication of organometallic chemistry advancing science all across the Periodic Table, featuring research on synthesis, structure, bonding, chemical reactivity, and reaction mechanisms for a variety of applications, including catalyst design and catalytic processes, transition-metal and main-group inorganic chemistry, synthetic aspects of polymer and materials science, and bioorganometallic chemistry.
- The Journal of Organic Chemistry is the premier forum for publishing inquisitive and thorough studies on all aspects of organic chemistry, from new reactions, structures, and functions through to their scope, mechanisms, and applications.
The Editorial Teams at these journals look forward to reviewing your research in 2020 and beyond. ACS salutes and thanks all editors, reviewers, and authors for the many roles you play in contributing to the global chemistry community.