As part of this celebration, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and ACS Agricultural Science and Technology are issuing a call for papers inviting all AGRO members and all those presenting papers in the AGRO Division program to consider submitting a paper for a Virtual Special Issue.

AGRO, a Division of the American Chemical Society, brings together a worldwide community of scientists and stakeholders to advance knowledge and promote innovative solutions for the protection of agricultural productivity, public health, and environment.
This August, AGRO will return to The Golden City of San Francisco for ACS Fall 2023 and celebrate the Division’s 50th anniversary.
As part of this celebration, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and ACS Agricultural Science and Technology are issuing a call for papers inviting all AGRO members and all those presenting papers in the AGRO Division program to consider submitting a paper for a Virtual Special Issue. Submissions can be:
- Viewpoint articles
- Perspective articles (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry only)
- Reviews
- Research Articles
- Research Letters (ACS Agricultural Science and Technology only)
All AGRO members and those presenting papers in the AGRO Division program may submit a manuscript proposal including a title, short abstract and manuscript type by email to the Editors at stating whether they intend to submit their manuscript to Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry or ACS Agricultural Science & Technology. All manuscripts will go through the normal peer-review process.
The deadline for manuscript submission to the journal will be October 1, 2023. Manuscripts will be released on-line once accepted and proofed. Papers from both journals will be posted together on a Virtual Special Issue webpage.
We look forward to receiving your manuscript!